天生堂虎威正垃圾草油 Tin Seng Tong Fu Wai Lasha Oil – 45mL
【天生堂虎威正垃圾草油】乃選用多種名貴材料配以名醫秘傳祖方精製而成功效顯著,安全可靠,不傷皮膚,迅速滲透肌肉組織,促進血液循環,舒筋活絡,快速見效。 而且氣味芬芳,油質晶潔,提神醒腦,實為探親送禮男女老幼護身至寶,居家旅行不可無備之良品。
【注意】:本品只供外用,忌食用,如果使用後出現紅腫敏感,應立即停止使用。 若症狀紅腫持續,應立即請教醫生。 切勿觸及眼睛,若情況發生,請即用冷水沖洗。 孕婦及皮膚敏感者慎用,要兒忌用。 (孕婦勿塗搽腹部及腰背部)
For external application only -3 to4 times daily. Apply 2 to 3 drops and massage gently on the affected area. Repeat to use same process every three hours if necessary. CAUTION:For external use only. If rash occurs, discontinue use immediately. If symptom persists or redness is present, consult a physician immediately. Avoid contact with the eyes. If contact occurs, rinse eye with cold water. Pregnant woman and those, whose skin is sensitive, a cautious to use. Do not use on infants. It is not allowed to be rubbed on pregnant woman’s abdomen and waist.
Store in a cool place Keep out of reach of children.
Turpentine Oil, Plai Oil, Natural Menthol Crystals, Eucalyptus Oil, Natural Menthol Oil, and other ingredients to 100%